
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Create a Dynamic Column Chart in SharePoint using JQuery & Google Chart API

1. On the list, create new a standard view. Select the columns to you want your chart.

2. Click 'Site Actions' -> Select 'Edit Page' -> Click 'Add a Web Part' -> Check 'Content Editor Web Part' from Miscellaneous section and Press 'Add' button to insert the webpart.

3.Click edit -> select 'Modify Shared Web Part' -> Press 'Source Editor' button.

4.Apply the below code, that's it.
<script type="text/javascript">
if(typeof jQuery=="undefined"){
var jQPath="";
document.write("<script src='",jQPath,"jquery.js' type='text/javascript'><\/script>");

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var FChartValue = new Array();
var FChartName = new Array();

  var arrayList=$("'')");
  var Coords= new Array();
  var Labels= new Array();
  $.each(arrayList, function(i,e)

  var arrayList1=$("'')");
  $.each(arrayList1, function(i,e)

  FChartValue = Coords;
  FChartName = Labels;

//Graph Rendering
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
function drawChart()
  var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();

  data.addColumn('string', 'Service');
  data.addColumn('number', 'Quanity');


  for (i=0; i<FChartValue.length; i++)
    data.setValue(i, 0, FChartName[i]);
    data.setValue(i, 1, parseInt(FChartValue[i]));

  var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
  chart.draw(data, {title: 'Total Count of Maintenance',
    width: 600, height: 350, is3D: false,
    hAxis: {title: "Service Request by Priority"},
    vAxis: {title: "Quanity of Service Requests"}}
<div id="chart_div" align="center"></div>

5.If you want, you can hide the standard list view, so the page show only chart without list view.

6.Click 'edit' from list view web part -> select 'Layout' -> checked 'Hidden' -> Press 'Ok' button to hide list view.


Anonymous said...

Could you please give me a way to customize this code according to my list columns?, I have only 8 columns and I need to generate a chart depending on those columns, on my view I set the option to limit the items by only 1 per view..

makdns said...

yes, you can customize which column you want to display. the below scripts will help you to customize.

for (i=0; i<FChartValue.length; i++)
data.setValue(i, 0, FChartName[i]);
data.setValue(i, 1, parseInt(FChartValue[i]));
are you from uae?

Anonymous said...

That's great, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your reply.. Yes, I'm in Dubai..

Anonymous said...

var arrayList1=$("'')");

Awful... Please don't mix JS, CSS and JS functions in strings. It's not a proper method, even if it's possible.

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