Before delete, run SQL Profiler, just delete a single delete operation in CRM and watch all queries involved.
In this example i am deleting contact entity records, before delete all their related entity records
1.Delete related entities
for example contact related dns_mailings entity (object type code is 12345)
declare @c table(c varchar(max))
insert into @c select dns_mailingsid from dns_mailings where dns_name = 'Test 2015'
--select * from @c
delete from dns_mailingsExtensionBase where (dns_mailingsid in (select c from @c));
delete from dns_mailingsBase
OUTPUT DELETED.dns_mailingsid , 12345
into SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject (ObjectId, ObjectTypeCode)
where (dns_mailingsid in (select c from @c))
delete from [EmailSearchBase]
OUTPUT DELETED.[EmailSearchId], 4299
into SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject (ObjectId, ObjectTypeCode)
where ([ParentObjectId] in (select c from @c))
update [ActivityPartyBase] set [IsPartyDeleted]=1 where ([PartyId] in (select c from @c)) and [PartyObjectTypeCode] =12345
2.Delete Contact entity
declare @c table(c varchar(max))
insert into @c
select contactid from contact where description = 'Test 2015' and dns_myear = 2015
delete from [ContactExtensionBase] where ([ContactId] in (select c from @c));
delete from [ContactBase]
into SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject (ObjectId, ObjectTypeCode)
where ([ContactId] in (select c from @c))
delete from [EmailSearchBase]
OUTPUT DELETED.[EmailSearchId], 4299
into SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject (ObjectId, ObjectTypeCode)
where ([ParentObjectId] in (select c from @c))
update [ActivityPartyBase] set [IsPartyDeleted]=1 where ([PartyId] in (select c from @c)) and [PartyObjectTypeCode] =2
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