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Friday, October 26, 2012

CRM Report Wizard

The following table compares the features of charts and dashboards with those of the SQL Server Reporting Services Report Wizard.
Charts and DashboardsSQL Server Reporting Services Report Wizard
Report outputInline visualizations  presented within Microsoft Dynamics CRM grids and formsWeb-based reports that can be exported to additional formats, such as Microsoft Excel, PDF, and CS
Ability to schedule reports for email deliveryNoYes
Ability to include data from multiple record types in resultsNoYes
Ability to prompt users to enter parameters before running reportsNoYes

CRM includes 25 standard SQL Server Reporting Services reports in the base product.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Data Management - Import, Export, Duplicate & Delete

  • CRM Import Files formats: XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml), Comma-separated values (.csv), Rext (.txt), Compressed files (.zip)
  • Include a column for each required field on the entity into which you are importing the data.
  • One import file for each type of entity. 
  • Import multiple files into a single .zip file.
  • Maximum 8 megabytes (MB) size for each import file. 
  • Import Data Wizard basic process: Prepare the import files, Import the file and map the records & View the results and correct failures.
  • Dynamics CRM allows you to create templates for your import that you can download from the system.  In the Settings area -> click Data Management - > click Templates for Data Import. OR On the application ribbon -> click the Import Data button -> select Download Template for Import.
  • An import template outputs an XML file with all of the columns for the entity you selected:
    • All possible data fields for the entity are included.
    • All of the column headers are named and labeled correctly. 
    • Required data field names are bold in the top row.
    • Each cell provides additional information about the data that should go in the field, such as its  data type, maximum and minimum values, or maximum length.
    • For option sets, the template displays a list of the possible values for the field. 
    • If you try to enter a value that is not included in the option set or not in the format, you receive an error message
  • On the application ribbon -> click the Import Data button OR click the File tab -> select Import  OR Data from the Tools menu -> The Import Data Wizard opens.