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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kubernetes Deployment Update Strategy

Kubernetes creates a second ReplicaSet, where it deploys the new pods and removes the old one from the original ReplicaSet

2 Types of Update Strategies in Kubernetes.  

Recreate: Removes the previous version and loads the new, good for development(interrupting the service). 

RollingUpdate (default): it updates to a new version gradually based on configured parameters.

The parameters are: 

maxUnavailable: The number/percentage of pods that can be unavailable during the update. 

maxSurge: The number/percentage of pods that can exceed the replicas requested. 

minReadySeconds: The number(only) of seconds to wait before the next pod’s creation. 

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp-deployment
   replicas: 10
       app: myapp
   minReadySeconds: 5 
     type: RollingUpdate 
       maxSurge: 1 
       maxUnavailable: 1       
         app: myapp           
         zone: prod           
         version: v1        
         - name: myapp-frontendmvc              
           image: makader/myapp:frontendmvc-v1              
             - containerPort: 80

Kubernetes will create a new ReplicaSet and deploy one pod at a time, waiting five seconds for each pod. 

During the update, only one pod can be unavailable, and the maximum number of pods is 11: 10 for the replica value and 1 for the maxSurge value. 

You can not specify the minReadySecond parameter, but if your container in the pod is not fast, you can make your application unavailable for a while. 

kubectl delete deployment myapp-deployment

kubectl apply -f 13.deployment.yaml

kubectl apply -f 15.deployment_strategy.yaml --record

The "--record" parameter will track all the changes to the deployment, which we will use to analyze the history and rollback  to a previous version of the application.  It takes some time to complete

To see the the progress by the deployment rollout status command 

kubectl rollout status deployment myapp-deployment

To see the deployment rollout history

kubectl rollout history deployment myapp-deployment

Changes on the (replicas: 15 and zone:test), re execute the 15.deployment_strategy.yaml, now you can see the 2 rows in the history.

The output of the history command shows the revisions and the cause of the change. 

Changes on the (replicas: 5 and zone:dev), re execute the 15.deployment_strategy.yaml, now you can see the 3 rows in the history.

Return to a specific revision, for example, revision 1, using the deployment undo command 

kubectl rollout undo deployment myapp-deployment --to-revision=1

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