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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Create a Dynamic Pie Chart in SharePoint using JQuery & Google Chart API

Create a Dynamic Bar Chart in SharePoint using JQuery & Google Chart API

Create a Dynamic Table in SharePoint using JQuery & Javascript

Create a Dynamic Column Chart in SharePoint using JQuery & Google Chart API

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Java Database Access Model

This blog is going to explain how to design java database access model?. It contains 3 part, 1st part is for database model code, 2nd part is for access model code and 3rd part is for stored procedure sql code.

Database access model is used to connect database, retrieve records and passing input/output parameters using Stored Procedures. All the connections and transactions are in one class file. Designed simple method which is used to connect database and to produce the result set.

In the class file, one method is taking care of connecting the database, another method is to retrieve the result set and last method is doing for insert, modify and delete the record.