My client want the particular contact entity attributes audit history in the horizontal way SSRS report.
CRM will create one line record in the audit entity for each action (new, update or delete records).
Refer "Dynamics CRM - Audit Entity" -
1)Step created dynamics sql query
--I am only taking audit records if the attribute contains ",5,",
--because i need only audit report for particular field changes
--for example, if AttributeMask contains 19,26,5, & changeddata contains "M A K~757580000~757580001"
--while loop will transfer single into 3 lines (line1 19 & M A K, line2 26 & 757580000, line3 5 & 757580001)
--increment will be the line records, columnkey is attributemask, oldvalue is changed data
--Only for selected attribute ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
--if columname is empty, delete the record.
--UNPIVOT will helps to split rows into column
--Get the first record of the columnname, to go up untill you reach next record of the columnname, that's new value.
--untill the audit record (increment 1) not current entity record (increment 0).
--Get the picklist value
2)create ssrs report (AH.rdl)
4 parameters
CRM_URL(null value, hidden, default values null)
CRM_FilteredContact (hidden, default values null)
ContactID (null, hidden, get values from a query -> dataset(DSContact), Value(contactid)
ContactName (null, hidden, get values from a query -> dataset(DSContact), Value(fullname)
2 datasets
query - copied the above dynamic sql query
fields - created 6 field name & source (increment, auditid, anniversary, customertypecode, leadsourcecode, preferredcontactmethodcode)
parametes - @ContactId -> [@ContactId]
view link code
=Replace(Parameters!CRM_URL.Value,"CRMReports/viewer/drillopen.aspx","") & "tools/audit/audit_details.aspx?_CreateFromId=%7bDB49F88A-05EC-E311-89F7-0050568C6D7D%7d&_CreateFromType=2&id={" & CType(Fields!AuditId.Value, GUID).ToString & "}"
3)In CRM, create a new report (Registration History), choose the existing report file(AH.rdl), related record types (contact), display in (all)
3)Goto CRM, select the contact record -> select '...' -> select run report -> select 'Registration History' link
see the result in ssrs report , view will open the audit details page.
that's it, finally client is impressed and see the happy path.
CRM will create one line record in the audit entity for each action (new, update or delete records).
Refer "Dynamics CRM - Audit Entity" -
1)Step created dynamics sql query
declare @contactid uniqueidentifier="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
Declare @AuditTable table (id int identity(1,1), AuditId uniqueidentifier, ObjectTypeCode int, AttributeMask varchar(max) null,
ChangeData varchar(max), CreatedOn datetime)
declare @AuditColumnResult table (id int identity(1,1), rid int null, AuditId uniqueidentifier, Increment int, ColumnKey int,
ColumnName varchar(max), OldValue varchar(max), NewValue varchar(max), ObjectTypeCode int, createdon datetime)
declare @AuditHisoty table (AuditId uniqueidentifier, Increment int, ColumnKey int, ColumnName varchar(max), Value varchar(max))
Declare @TotalAuditRecord int = null
declare @Increment int = null
Declare @CurrentAttribute VarChar(max) = null
declare @CurrentValue VarChar(max) = null
Declare @IAttributemask varchar(max) = null
declare @IChangeData varchar(max) = null
declare @ICreatedOn datetime = null
declare @IAuditId uniqueidentifier = null
declare @IObjectTypeCode int = null
--Get contact audit records and store it into the @AuditTable temp table.ChangeData varchar(max), CreatedOn datetime)
declare @AuditColumnResult table (id int identity(1,1), rid int null, AuditId uniqueidentifier, Increment int, ColumnKey int,
ColumnName varchar(max), OldValue varchar(max), NewValue varchar(max), ObjectTypeCode int, createdon datetime)
declare @AuditHisoty table (AuditId uniqueidentifier, Increment int, ColumnKey int, ColumnName varchar(max), Value varchar(max))
Declare @TotalAuditRecord int = null
declare @Increment int = null
Declare @CurrentAttribute VarChar(max) = null
declare @CurrentValue VarChar(max) = null
Declare @IAttributemask varchar(max) = null
declare @IChangeData varchar(max) = null
declare @ICreatedOn datetime = null
declare @IAuditId uniqueidentifier = null
declare @IObjectTypeCode int = null
--I am only taking audit records if the attribute contains ",5,",
--because i need only audit report for particular field changes
insert into @AuditTable(AuditId, ObjectTypeCode, AttributeMask, ChangeData, CreatedOn)
AuditId, ObjectTypeCode,
Case When IsNull(AttributeMask, '') = '' Then '' Else Substring(AttributeMask, 2, Len(AttributeMask) - 2) End,
ChangeData, CreatedOn
dbo.Audit with(nolock)
ObjectId =@ContactId
and AttributeMask like '%,5,%'
order by
CreatedOn desc
select @TotalAuditRecord = COUNT(*) from @AuditTable
select @Increment = 1
--While loop will split all the changed data and attribute mask into muliple lines of recordsselect
AuditId, ObjectTypeCode,
Case When IsNull(AttributeMask, '') = '' Then '' Else Substring(AttributeMask, 2, Len(AttributeMask) - 2) End,
ChangeData, CreatedOn
dbo.Audit with(nolock)
ObjectId =@ContactId
and AttributeMask like '%,5,%'
order by
CreatedOn desc
select @TotalAuditRecord = COUNT(*) from @AuditTable
select @Increment = 1
--for example, if AttributeMask contains 19,26,5, & changeddata contains "M A K~757580000~757580001"
--while loop will transfer single into 3 lines (line1 19 & M A K, line2 26 & 757580000, line3 5 & 757580001)
--increment will be the line records, columnkey is attributemask, oldvalue is changed data
while @Increment <= @TotalAuditRecord
@IObjectTypeCode = ObjectTypeCode, @IAuditId = AuditId, @IAttributemask = AttributeMask, @IChangeData = ChangeData,
@ICreatedOn = CreatedOn
from @AuditTable where id = @Increment
WHILE CHARINDEX(',',@IAttributemask,0) <> 0
@CurrentValue=case when len(@IChangeData)>0 then RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@IChangeData,1,CHARINDEX('~',@IChangeData,0)-1))) else '' end,
@IChangeData=case when len(@IChangeData)>0 then RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@IChangeData,CHARINDEX('~',@IChangeData,0)+1,LEN(@IChangeData)))) else '' end
--Audit Column List
IF LEN(@CurrentAttribute) > 0
insert into @AuditColumnResult(AuditId, Increment, ColumnKey, ColumnName, OldValue, ObjectTypeCode, CreatedOn)
Values(@IAuditId, @Increment, CAST(@CurrentAttribute as int),'', @CurrentValue, @IObjectTypeCode, @ICreatedOn)
IF CHARINDEX(',',@IAttributemask,0) = 0
insert into @AuditColumnResult(AuditId, Increment, ColumnKey, ColumnName, OldValue, ObjectTypeCode, CreatedOn)
Values(@IAuditId, @Increment, CAST(@IAttributemask as int),'', @IChangeData, @IObjectTypeCode, @ICreatedOn)
select @Increment = 1 + @Increment
--Updating columnname of columnkey, like columnkey is 4 equal to customertypecode, 6 is leadsourcecodeBEGIN
@IObjectTypeCode = ObjectTypeCode, @IAuditId = AuditId, @IAttributemask = AttributeMask, @IChangeData = ChangeData,
@ICreatedOn = CreatedOn
from @AuditTable where id = @Increment
WHILE CHARINDEX(',',@IAttributemask,0) <> 0
@CurrentValue=case when len(@IChangeData)>0 then RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@IChangeData,1,CHARINDEX('~',@IChangeData,0)-1))) else '' end,
@IChangeData=case when len(@IChangeData)>0 then RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@IChangeData,CHARINDEX('~',@IChangeData,0)+1,LEN(@IChangeData)))) else '' end
--Audit Column List
IF LEN(@CurrentAttribute) > 0
insert into @AuditColumnResult(AuditId, Increment, ColumnKey, ColumnName, OldValue, ObjectTypeCode, CreatedOn)
Values(@IAuditId, @Increment, CAST(@CurrentAttribute as int),'', @CurrentValue, @IObjectTypeCode, @ICreatedOn)
IF CHARINDEX(',',@IAttributemask,0) = 0
insert into @AuditColumnResult(AuditId, Increment, ColumnKey, ColumnName, OldValue, ObjectTypeCode, CreatedOn)
Values(@IAuditId, @Increment, CAST(@IAttributemask as int),'', @IChangeData, @IObjectTypeCode, @ICreatedOn)
select @Increment = 1 + @Increment
--Only for selected attribute ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
--if columname is empty, delete the record.
update @AuditColumnResult set ColumnName = ma.Name
@AuditColumnResult er
inner join MetadataSchema.Entity me on me.ObjectTypeCode= er.ObjectTypeCode
inner join MetadataSchema.Attribute ma on ma.EntityId = me.EntityId and ma.ColumnNumber = er.ColumnKey
ma.Name in ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
DELETE FROM @AuditColumnResult WHERE ColumnName not in ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
--Inserting current contact record in the @AuditColumnResult temp tablefrom
@AuditColumnResult er
inner join MetadataSchema.Entity me on me.ObjectTypeCode= er.ObjectTypeCode
inner join MetadataSchema.Attribute ma on ma.EntityId = me.EntityId and ma.ColumnNumber = er.ColumnKey
ma.Name in ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
DELETE FROM @AuditColumnResult WHERE ColumnName not in ('anniversary','customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
--UNPIVOT will helps to split rows into column
insert into @AuditColumnResult(AuditId, Increment, ColumnKey, ColumnName, OldValue, ObjectTypeCode, CreatedOn)
select distinct contactid, 0, 0, unpvt.ColumnName, unpvt.DataValue, @IObjectTypeCode, GETDATE()
from (select contactid,
cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),anniversary,101) as varchar(max)) as anniversary,
cast(customertypecode as varchar(max)) as customertypecode,
cast(leadsourcecode as varchar(max)) as leadsourcecode,
cast(preferredcontactmethodcode as varchar(max)) as preferredcontactmethodcode
from contact where contactid = @ContactId) p
(DataValue for ColumnName in (anniversary, customertypecode, leadsourcecode, preferredcontactmethodcode)
) As unpvt
update @AuditColumnResult set rid= id where Increment <>0
update @AuditColumnResult set rid= 0 where Increment =0
--While loop will insert new value for each distinct contactid, 0, 0, unpvt.ColumnName, unpvt.DataValue, @IObjectTypeCode, GETDATE()
from (select contactid,
cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),anniversary,101) as varchar(max)) as anniversary,
cast(customertypecode as varchar(max)) as customertypecode,
cast(leadsourcecode as varchar(max)) as leadsourcecode,
cast(preferredcontactmethodcode as varchar(max)) as preferredcontactmethodcode
from contact where contactid = @ContactId) p
(DataValue for ColumnName in (anniversary, customertypecode, leadsourcecode, preferredcontactmethodcode)
) As unpvt
update @AuditColumnResult set rid= id where Increment <>0
update @AuditColumnResult set rid= 0 where Increment =0
--Get the first record of the columnname, to go up untill you reach next record of the columnname, that's new value.
--untill the audit record (increment 1) not current entity record (increment 0).
DECLARE @FindColumnName varchar(max) = null
declare @NewValue varchar(max) = null
select @Increment = MAX(rid) from @AuditColumnResultwhile @Increment >= 1
select @FindColumnName = ColumnName from @AuditColumnResult WHERE rid = @Increment SELECT top 1 @NewValue = OldValue FROM @AuditColumnResult where rid<@Increment and columnname= @FindColumnName order by rid desc
update @AuditColumnResult set NewValue= @NewValue where rid = @Increment
SELECT top 1 @Increment = rid FROM @AuditColumnResult where rid<@Increment order by rid desc
--Delete increment 0 is the current record of the entitydeclare @NewValue varchar(max) = null
select @Increment = MAX(rid) from @AuditColumnResultwhile @Increment >= 1
select @FindColumnName = ColumnName from @AuditColumnResult WHERE rid = @Increment SELECT top 1 @NewValue = OldValue FROM @AuditColumnResult where rid<@Increment and columnname= @FindColumnName order by rid desc
update @AuditColumnResult set NewValue= @NewValue where rid = @Increment
SELECT top 1 @Increment = rid FROM @AuditColumnResult where rid<@Increment order by rid desc
delete from @AuditColumnResult where Increment =0
--Get the picklist value
insert into @AuditHisoty(AuditId, ColumnKey, ColumnName, Increment,Value)
rt.AuditId, rt.ColumnKey, rt.ColumnName, rt.Increment, nv.Value
@AuditColumnResult rt left join
(SELECT Value, AttributeValue, AttributeName from StringMap where objecttypecode = 2) nv
on (rt.ColumnName = nv.AttributeName and rt.NewValue = nv.AttributeValue) left join
(SELECT Value, AttributeValue, AttributeName from StringMap where objecttypecode = 2) ov
on (rt.ColumnName = ov.AttributeName and rt.OldValue = ov.AttributeValue)
rt.ColumnName in ('customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
union all
select distinct
rt.AuditId, rt.ColumnKey, rt.ColumnName, rt.Increment, NewValue
@AuditColumnResult rt
rt.ColumnName in ('anniversary')
order by
Increment asc
--Get the result horizontal way reportselect
rt.AuditId, rt.ColumnKey, rt.ColumnName, rt.Increment, nv.Value
@AuditColumnResult rt left join
(SELECT Value, AttributeValue, AttributeName from StringMap where objecttypecode = 2) nv
on (rt.ColumnName = nv.AttributeName and rt.NewValue = nv.AttributeValue) left join
(SELECT Value, AttributeValue, AttributeName from StringMap where objecttypecode = 2) ov
on (rt.ColumnName = ov.AttributeName and rt.OldValue = ov.AttributeValue)
rt.ColumnName in ('customertypecode', 'preferredcontactmethodcode', 'leadsourcecode')
union all
select distinct
rt.AuditId, rt.ColumnKey, rt.ColumnName, rt.Increment, NewValue
@AuditColumnResult rt
rt.ColumnName in ('anniversary')
order by
Increment asc
SELECT p.Increment, AuditId, CONVERT(varchar(10),anniversary,101),[customertypecode],[leadsourcecode],[preferredcontactmethodcode]
SELECT a.AuditId, a.Increment, a.ColumnName, a.Value
FROM @AuditHisoty AS A
) p
for P.ColumnName in ([anniversary],[customertypecode],[leadsourcecode],[preferredcontactmethodcode])
) p
order by
see the final result from
SELECT a.AuditId, a.Increment, a.ColumnName, a.Value
FROM @AuditHisoty AS A
) p
for P.ColumnName in ([anniversary],[customertypecode],[leadsourcecode],[preferredcontactmethodcode])
) p
order by
2)create ssrs report (AH.rdl)
4 parameters
CRM_URL(null value, hidden, default values null)
CRM_FilteredContact (hidden, default values null)
ContactID (null, hidden, get values from a query -> dataset(DSContact), Value(contactid)
ContactName (null, hidden, get values from a query -> dataset(DSContact), Value(fullname)
2 datasets
query - copied the above dynamic sql query
fields - created 6 field name & source (increment, auditid, anniversary, customertypecode, leadsourcecode, preferredcontactmethodcode)
parametes - @ContactId -> [@ContactId]
view link code
=Replace(Parameters!CRM_URL.Value,"CRMReports/viewer/drillopen.aspx","") & "tools/audit/audit_details.aspx?_CreateFromId=%7bDB49F88A-05EC-E311-89F7-0050568C6D7D%7d&_CreateFromType=2&id={" & CType(Fields!AuditId.Value, GUID).ToString & "}"
3)In CRM, create a new report (Registration History), choose the existing report file(AH.rdl), related record types (contact), display in (all)
3)Goto CRM, select the contact record -> select '...' -> select run report -> select 'Registration History' link
see the result in ssrs report , view will open the audit details page.
that's it, finally client is impressed and see the happy path.
EXCELLENT information. Your directions are clear and concise, and easy to follow. Thanks for your hard work in posting this info.
Audit Reporting
Thanks for the post, very helpful. Could you please clarify the instructions around "view link code"? Should there be details of a 2nd dataset other than AuditHistory, assuming named "DSContact"?
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