1. Out Variables
static void Main(string[] args)
string first = "M";
string last = "K";
string name = string.Empty; //have to pre-declare before using the out.
GetName(first, last, out name);
//In c# 7.0, you can declare in the variable line
GetName(first, last, out string name1);
GetName(first, last, out var name2); ////use var instead of string
static void GetName(string first, string last, out string name)
name = first + " " + last;
string first = "M";
string last = "K";
string name = string.Empty; //have to pre-declare before using the out.
GetName(first, last, out name);
//In c# 7.0, you can declare in the variable line
GetName(first, last, out string name1);
GetName(first, last, out var name2); ////use var instead of string
static void GetName(string first, string last, out string name)
name = first + " " + last;
2. Pattern Matching
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Contact hr = new HR();
PatternMatching(hr); // hr.CreateEmployee(); will execute
Contact tm = new Manager("Emp 2", 2, "IT");
PatternMatching(tm); //teamManager.ContactTeamManager(); will execute
Contact pm = new Manager("Emp 3", 3, "PM");
PatternMatching(pm); // projectManager.ContactProjectManager(); will execute
Contact c = new Contact();
PatternMatching(c); // Console.WriteLine("Contract employee"); will execute
PatternMatching(null); //throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact)); will execute
static void PatternMatching(Contact contact)
switch (contact)
case HR hr: //Syntax error, ':' expected, old version
case Manager teamManager when (teamManager.Department == "IT"): //Expected ; or = (cannot specify constructor arguments in declaration)
case Manager projectManager:
Console.WriteLine("Contract employee");
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact));
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }
public class HR : Contact {
public HR()
this.Name = "Emp 1";
this.ID = 1;
this.Department = "HR";
public void CreateEmployee() { }
public class Manager : Contact
public Manager(string name, int id, string department)
this.Name = name;
this.ID = id;
this.Department = department;
public void ContactTeamManager() { }
public void ContactProjectManager() { }
static void Main(string[] args)
Contact hr = new HR();
PatternMatching(hr); // hr.CreateEmployee(); will execute
Contact tm = new Manager("Emp 2", 2, "IT");
PatternMatching(tm); //teamManager.ContactTeamManager(); will execute
Contact pm = new Manager("Emp 3", 3, "PM");
PatternMatching(pm); // projectManager.ContactProjectManager(); will execute
Contact c = new Contact();
PatternMatching(c); // Console.WriteLine("Contract employee"); will execute
PatternMatching(null); //throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact)); will execute
static void PatternMatching(Contact contact)
switch (contact)
case HR hr: //Syntax error, ':' expected, old version
case Manager teamManager when (teamManager.Department == "IT"): //Expected ; or = (cannot specify constructor arguments in declaration)
case Manager projectManager:
Console.WriteLine("Contract employee");
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact));
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }
public class HR : Contact {
public HR()
this.Name = "Emp 1";
this.ID = 1;
this.Department = "HR";
public void CreateEmployee() { }
public class Manager : Contact
public Manager(string name, int id, string department)
this.Name = name;
this.ID = id;
this.Department = department;
public void ContactTeamManager() { }
public void ContactProjectManager() { }
3. Is-Expressions
void GetID(object empID)
//older version, error The name 'iEmpID' or 'sEmpID' does not exist in the current context
if (empID is int iEmpID || (empID is string sEmpID &&
int.TryParse(sEmpID, out iEmpID)))
//older version, error The name 'iEmpID' or 'sEmpID' does not exist in the current context
if (empID is int iEmpID || (empID is string sEmpID &&
int.TryParse(sEmpID, out iEmpID)))
Code will accept the 'id' of employee as either a string or an integer.
The 'empId' is an integer, immediately execute the boyd of if statement body.
The 'empId' is a string, using the int.TryParse method to convert string to int.
TryParse the out variable must be defined before the statment, but C# 7.0, no longer to define
4. Tuples
By assigning each member to a value
var alpha = ("A", "B", "c");
Console.WriteLine(alpha.Item1 + " - " + alpha.Item2 + " - " + alpha.Item3);
By providing semantic names to each members to a value. Sematic names exist only at compile time.
(string first, string last, string middle) names = ("Day", "Night", "Soft");
//OR (string first, string last, string middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
Console.WriteLine(names.first + " - " + names.last + " - " + names.middle);
//throw error - The contextual keyword 'var' may only appear within a local variable declaration or in script code
//(var first, var last, var middle) names = LookupName(100);
//var (first, last, middle) names = LookupName(100);
//string (first, last, middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
//(first, last, middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
By providing semantic names on the right side of the assignment.
var names1 = (first:"Day", last:"Night", middle:"Soft");
Console.WriteLine(names1.first + " - " + names1.last + " - " + names1.middle);
//warning message - The tuple element name 'firstName' is ignored because a different name or no name is specified by the target type '(string first, string last, string middle)'.
(string first, string last, string middle) names2 = (firstName: "Day", lastName: "Night", middleName: "Soft");
Console.WriteLine(names2.first + " - " + names2.last + " - " + names2.middle);
public static (string, string, string) EmployeeName(int empID) // tuple return type
var fn = "Day";
var mn = "Night";
var ln = "Soft";
return (fn, mn, ln);
var alpha = ("A", "B", "c");
Console.WriteLine(alpha.Item1 + " - " + alpha.Item2 + " - " + alpha.Item3);
By providing semantic names to each members to a value. Sematic names exist only at compile time.
(string first, string last, string middle) names = ("Day", "Night", "Soft");
//OR (string first, string last, string middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
Console.WriteLine(names.first + " - " + names.last + " - " + names.middle);
//throw error - The contextual keyword 'var' may only appear within a local variable declaration or in script code
//(var first, var last, var middle) names = LookupName(100);
//var (first, last, middle) names = LookupName(100);
//string (first, last, middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
//(first, last, middle) names = EmployeeName(100);
By providing semantic names on the right side of the assignment.
var names1 = (first:"Day", last:"Night", middle:"Soft");
Console.WriteLine(names1.first + " - " + names1.last + " - " + names1.middle);
//warning message - The tuple element name 'firstName' is ignored because a different name or no name is specified by the target type '(string first, string last, string middle)'.
(string first, string last, string middle) names2 = (firstName: "Day", lastName: "Night", middleName: "Soft");
Console.WriteLine(names2.first + " - " + names2.last + " - " + names2.middle);
public static (string, string, string) EmployeeName(int empID) // tuple return type
var fn = "Day";
var mn = "Night";
var ln = "Soft";
return (fn, mn, ln);
5. Digit Separators
long d = 1234567;
//OR long d1 = 1_234_567; //it would be represented as 1,234,567.
//The compiler will ignore the underscores at build time.
Console.WriteLine(d + " - " + d1); //both same output
var xv = 0xAB_CD_EF; //11259375
//OR var xv1 = 0xABCDEF; //11259375
Console.WriteLine(xv + " - " + xv1); //both same output
var bv1 = 0b1101_0101_0100_0011_0010_0001; //13976353
//OR var bv2 = 0b110101010100001100100001;
Console.WriteLine(bv1 + " - " + bv2); //both same output
//OR long d1 = 1_234_567; //it would be represented as 1,234,567.
//The compiler will ignore the underscores at build time.
Console.WriteLine(d + " - " + d1); //both same output
var xv = 0xAB_CD_EF; //11259375
//OR var xv1 = 0xABCDEF; //11259375
Console.WriteLine(xv + " - " + xv1); //both same output
var bv1 = 0b1101_0101_0100_0011_0010_0001; //13976353
//OR var bv2 = 0b110101010100001100100001;
Console.WriteLine(bv1 + " - " + bv2); //both same output
6. Throw Exceptions - can be use conditional, null coalescing and lambda expressions.
public static string GetName(string id)
//Old version
/*if (id == null)
throw new Exception("Name not found");
return "F L";*/
//Throw Exceptions can be use conditional, null coalescing and lambda expressions.
return "F L" ?? throw new Exception("Name not found");
//Old version
/*if (id == null)
throw new Exception("Name not found");
return "F L";*/
//Throw Exceptions can be use conditional, null coalescing and lambda expressions.
return "F L" ?? throw new Exception("Name not found");
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