Verify the application exist inside the windows container, connect to the cmd of the "frontendapiwin" container using the docker exec command
1. C:\> docker exec -it 64a61d823b28 cmd
- "64a61d823b28 " - docker container id
- It should take us inside the container.
Run the powershell inside the "frontendapiwin" the container
1.1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot> powershell
Using Powershell to manage application web configuration
1.1.1 PS C:\inetpub\wwwroot> gc .\web.config or gc web.config
- Gets the content (gc) of the item at the specified location (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config)
> [xml]$web = gc .\web.config
- The [xml] casts the variable as an XML object.
- <?xml>
<add key="DBCon" value="db value."/>
> $web.configuration.appSettings.SelectNodes("add[@key='DBCon']")
- display DBCon key value
- key value
----- -------
DBCon db value.
> $key=$web.configuration.appSettings.SelectNodes("add[@key='DBCon']")
- assign to key
> $key
- another way display DBCon key value
> $key.SetAttribute("value","db value changed.")
- change DBCon value
> $".\web.config")
- save file
> exit => exit from powershell
> exit = exit from container
Verify the application exist inside the windows container, connect to the powershell of the "frontendapiwin" container using the docker exec command
1. C:\> docker exec -it 64a61d823b28 cmd
- "64a61d823b28 " - docker container id
- It should take us inside the container.
Run the powershell inside the "frontendapiwin" the container
1.1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot> powershell
Using Powershell to manage application web configuration
1.1.1 PS C:\inetpub\wwwroot> gc .\web.config or gc web.config
- Gets the content (gc) of the item at the specified location (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config)
> [xml]$web = gc .\web.config
- The [xml] casts the variable as an XML object.
- <?xml>
<add key="DBCon" value="db value."/>
> $web.configuration.appSettings.SelectNodes("add[@key='DBCon']")
- display DBCon key value
- key value
----- -------
DBCon db value.
> $key=$web.configuration.appSettings.SelectNodes("add[@key='DBCon']")
- assign to key
> $key
- another way display DBCon key value
> $key.SetAttribute("value","db value changed.")
- change DBCon value
> $".\web.config")
- save file
> exit => exit from powershell
> exit = exit from container
Verify the application exist inside the windows container, connect to the powershell of the "frontendapiwin" container using the docker exec command
2. C:\> docker exec -it 64a61d823b28 powershell
ls env:\
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost/test.html
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost/test.html -usebasicparsing
curl -V http://localhost/login.aspx
ls env:\
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost/test.html
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost/test.html -usebasicparsing
curl -V http://localhost/login.aspx
Verify the application exist inside the linux container, connect to the bash of the "frontendapiunix" container using the docker exec command
3. C:\> docker exec -it 64a61d823b28 bash or docker exec -it sqlserver2017withoutmount bash
- Let’s verify the database and log files exist inside the container
- Go to “/var/opt/mssql/data” folder and verify that our demo.mdf and demo_log.ldf exists.
root@3974dc57923e:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 ... srv sys tmp usr var
root@3974dc57923e:/# cd var/opt/mssql/data
root@3974dc57923e:/var/opt/mssql/data# ls
master.mdf mastlog.ldf ... demo.mdf demo_log.ldf
root@3974dc57923e:/var/opt/mssql/data# exit
Test Path
Test-Path -Path "C:\source\source.txt" => True
Test-Path -Path "C:\destination\source.txt" => False
Test-Path -Path "C:\source" -PathType Container => True
Test-Path -Path "C:\source1" -PathType Container => False
Copy Items
Copy-Item "C:\source\source.txt" -Destination "C:\destination"
- source.txt copied to "C:\destination" folder, source\source.txt file not deleted
Copy-Item "C:\source\source.txt" -Destination "C:\destination\source.txt"
- source.txt copied to "C:\destination\destionation.txt, source file not deleted
- Let’s verify the database and log files exist inside the container
- Go to “/var/opt/mssql/data” folder and verify that our demo.mdf and demo_log.ldf exists.
root@3974dc57923e:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 ... srv sys tmp usr var
root@3974dc57923e:/# cd var/opt/mssql/data
root@3974dc57923e:/var/opt/mssql/data# ls
master.mdf mastlog.ldf ... demo.mdf demo_log.ldf
root@3974dc57923e:/var/opt/mssql/data# exit
Test Path
Test-Path -Path "C:\source\source.txt" => True
Test-Path -Path "C:\destination\source.txt" => False
Test-Path -Path "C:\source" -PathType Container => True
Test-Path -Path "C:\source1" -PathType Container => False
Copy Items
Copy-Item "C:\source\source.txt" -Destination "C:\destination"
- source.txt copied to "C:\destination" folder, source\source.txt file not deleted
Copy-Item "C:\source\source.txt" -Destination "C:\destination\source.txt"
- source.txt copied to "C:\destination\destionation.txt, source file not deleted
Copy-Item "C:\source\source.txt", "C:\destination\source.txt"
Copy-Item "C:\source\26?0.txt", "C:\destination"
- 2600.txt, 2611.txt 2622.txt file copied
Copy-Item "C:\source\*","C:\source2\*","C:\source3\*" -Destination "C:\destination"
@(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\source).Count => 100
(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\source -Recurse).Count => 110 , count subfolder files also
Get File List
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\source\ OR gci -Path C:\source\
Directory: C:\source Mode LastWriteTime Length Name -a---- 18/01/2020 1:53 AM 5 2610.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 2:64 AM 5 2620.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 3:15 AM 5 2630.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 4:26 AM 5 2640.txt
-a---- 18/01/2020 7:29 AM 5 soruce.txt
Gets instances of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes or information about the available classes.
Get-CimClass -List
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process
Combine 2 Arrays
Example 1
$language = @("Net","Java","PHP") $storage = @("SQLServer","Redis","MySQL", "Mongo", "Elastic") $lanstore = $language + $storage $lanstore Net Java PHP SQLServer Redis MySQL
Example 2
$lanstore = @() $length = [Math]::Max($language.Length, $storage.Length) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $lanstore +=$language[$i] $lanstore +=$storage[$i] } $lanstore Net SQLServer Java Redis PHP MySQL Mongo Elastic
Example 3
[int]$max = $language.Count if ([int]$storage.count -gt $max) { $max = $storage.Count; } $lanstore = for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { Write-Verbose "$($language[$i]),$($storage[$i])" [PSCustomObject]@{ Language = $language[$i] Storage= $storage[$i] } } $lanstore Language Storage -------- ------- Net SQLServer Java Redis PHP MySQL Mongo Elastic
Get average CPU usage of a computer in last x minute
Get-counter -Counter “\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time” -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples 5
Timestamp CounterSamples
--------- --------------
4/11/2020 11:26:37 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:38 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:40 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:41 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:42 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
$CPUAveragePerformance = (GET-COUNTER -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 2 -MaxSamples 5 |select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue | Measure-Object -Average).average
- average cpu withing 2 seconds of 5 intervales.
Monitor folder/files changes, using a .NET class called FileSystemWatcher
$file_system_watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$file_system_watcher.Path = "C:\mak\" => mention the folder to monitor
$file_system_watcher.Filter = "*.*"
$file_system_watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true => include subdirectories true or false
$file_system_watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
- define actions after an event is detected
$write_action = { $full_path = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
$change_type = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
$log_line = "$(Get-Date), $change_type, $full_path"
Add-content "C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt" -value $log_line
- decide which events should be watched
- Register-ObjectEvent subscribes to events that are generated by .NET objects.
- When the subscribed event is raised, it is added to the event queue in your session.
- To get events in the event queue, use the Get-Event.
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Created" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Changed" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Deleted" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Renamed" -Action $write_action
while ($true) {sleep 5}
04/11/2020 23:45:10, Changed, C:\mak\Web.config
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Changed, C:\mak\Web.config
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Created, C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Changed, C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt
Using Explorer to View Directories in the GUI
PS C:\mak> explorer .
Build & Run
docker build -t frontendapiwin .
docker run -dit --name frontendapiwin1 -p 8000:80 frontendapiwin
docker run -p 5002:80 frontendapiwin
docker run -itdp 8000:80 frontendapiwin:dev
docker attach 82e08c546fd5 => connected to the Container.
Get-hnsnetwork | remove-hnsnetwork
Restart-service docker
Stop-Service docker
Stop-service hns
Start-service hns
Start-Service docker
Copy-Item "C:\source\26?0.txt", "C:\destination"
- 2600.txt, 2611.txt 2622.txt file copied
Copy-Item "C:\source\*","C:\source2\*","C:\source3\*" -Destination "C:\destination"
- copied multiple folder files into destination folder
Get-ChildItem "C:\source\" | Copy-Item -Destination "C:\destination" -Recurse
- copied sub folders also using pipeline (|)
Copy-Item -Path "C:\source\*" -Destination "C:\destination" -Recurse
- copied sub folders also
File Count
(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\source -Recurse).Count => 110 , count subfolder files also
Get File List
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\source\ OR gci -Path C:\source\
Directory: C:\source Mode LastWriteTime Length Name -a---- 18/01/2020 1:53 AM 5 2610.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 2:64 AM 5 2620.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 3:15 AM 5 2630.txt -a---- 18/01/2020 4:26 AM 5 2640.txt
-a---- 18/01/2020 7:29 AM 5 soruce.txt
Gets instances of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes or information about the available classes.
Get-CimClass -List
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process
Combine 2 Arrays
Example 1
$language = @("Net","Java","PHP") $storage = @("SQLServer","Redis","MySQL", "Mongo", "Elastic") $lanstore = $language + $storage $lanstore Net Java PHP SQLServer Redis MySQL
Example 2
$lanstore = @() $length = [Math]::Max($language.Length, $storage.Length) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $lanstore +=$language[$i] $lanstore +=$storage[$i] } $lanstore Net SQLServer Java Redis PHP MySQL Mongo Elastic
Example 3
[int]$max = $language.Count if ([int]$storage.count -gt $max) { $max = $storage.Count; } $lanstore = for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { Write-Verbose "$($language[$i]),$($storage[$i])" [PSCustomObject]@{ Language = $language[$i] Storage= $storage[$i] } } $lanstore Language Storage -------- ------- Net SQLServer Java Redis PHP MySQL Mongo Elastic
Get average CPU usage of a computer in last x minute
Get-counter -Counter “\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time” -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples 5
Timestamp CounterSamples
--------- --------------
4/11/2020 11:26:37 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:38 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:40 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:41 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
4/11/2020 11:26:42 PM \\txdns-km\processor(_total)\% processor time :
$CPUAveragePerformance = (GET-COUNTER -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 2 -MaxSamples 5 |select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue | Measure-Object -Average).average
- average cpu withing 2 seconds of 5 intervales.
Monitor folder/files changes, using a .NET class called FileSystemWatcher
$file_system_watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$file_system_watcher.Path = "C:\mak\" => mention the folder to monitor
$file_system_watcher.Filter = "*.*"
$file_system_watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true => include subdirectories true or false
$file_system_watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
- define actions after an event is detected
$write_action = { $full_path = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
$change_type = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
$log_line = "$(Get-Date), $change_type, $full_path"
Add-content "C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt" -value $log_line
- decide which events should be watched
- Register-ObjectEvent subscribes to events that are generated by .NET objects.
- When the subscribed event is raised, it is added to the event queue in your session.
- To get events in the event queue, use the Get-Event.
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Created" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Changed" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Deleted" -Action $write_action
Register-ObjectEvent $file_system_watcher "Renamed" -Action $write_action
while ($true) {sleep 5}
04/11/2020 23:45:10, Changed, C:\mak\Web.config
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Changed, C:\mak\Web.config
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Created, C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt
04/11/2020 23:45:11, Changed, C:\mak\file_watcher_log.txt
Using Explorer to View Directories in the GUI
PS C:\mak> explorer .
Build & Run
docker build -t frontendapiwin .
docker run -dit --name frontendapiwin1 -p 8000:80 frontendapiwin
docker run -p 5002:80 frontendapiwin
docker run -itdp 8000:80 frontendapiwin:dev
docker attach 82e08c546fd5 => connected to the Container.
Get-hnsnetwork | remove-hnsnetwork
Restart-service docker
Stop-Service docker
Stop-service hns
Start-service hns
Start-Service docker
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