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Sunday, August 23, 2020

ASP.NET Core SignalR
The ASP.NET Core SignalR repository on GitHub.

SignalR is an open source library and allows developers to simplify adding real-time web functionality to applications. 
"real-time web" functionality means that the server-side code can instantly push content to connected clients.
  • Chat applications
  • Notification applications (Team meet, share ideas)
  • Live dashboards (display instantly updated sales information).
The SignalR API allows server-side code to call JavaScript functions on connected clients via remote procedure calls (RPCs).
Feature of SignalR
  • It automatically takes care of connection management. 
  • It can send messages to all connected clients at the same time or  to a specific client or group of clients. (Chat room).
  • It can automatically scales to handle increasing traffic.
To handle real-time communication, SignalR supports (These are called transports): 
  • WebSockets 
  • Server-Sent Events 
  • Long Polling
SignalR lies on top of the lower-level transports. 

SignalR automatically chooses the best transport method that is within the capabilities of the server and client. 

  • If WebSockets (the most efficient of the transports) are not supported by the server or browser, SignalR will fall back on Server-Sent Events. 
  • If Server-Sent Events are not supported, SignalR will fall back on Long Polling. 
  • When SignalR establishes a connection, it will start sending keep-alive messages to verify that the connection is still alive. If the connection is not alive, SignalR will throw an exception.
  • The WebSocket protocol enables two-way, real-time communication between clients and servers in web-based applications.
Hubs are used by SignalR to communicate between servers and clients. The hub allows a client and server to call methods on each other. 

Configure the SignalR middleware by registering the service in the Startup.ConfigureServices() {.. services.AddSignalR(); } 

Set up the SignalR routes by calling endpoints.MapHub in the Startup.Configure()  
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {     

The Hub class (HubCallerContext) property provide information about the connection: 
ConnectionAborted, ConnectionId, Features, Items, User,  UserIdentifier 

The Hub class methods: an Abort method and GetHttpContext extension method. 

The hubs are impermanent (last for a short time) and transient, should not store state in a property on the hub class, because every hub method call is executed on a new instance of the hub.


The hub will handle client-server communication. Create a whatsupchat\Hubs\WhatsupChatHub.cs class 
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
namespace whatsupchat.Hubs;
    public class WhatsupChatHub : Hub
     public async Task MessageSender(string user, string message)
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("MessageReceiver", user, message);
"Clients.All" property that invokes a method on all the clients connected to this hub.

The Clients object implements the IHubCallerClients interface (public IHubCallerClients Clients { get; set; }). This interface has the following properties: 
  • All — All clients connected to the hub. 
  • Caller — Gets a caller to the connection that triggered the current invocation. 
  • Others — Gets a caller to all connections except the one that triggered the current invocation. 

It also includes methods such as: 
  • AllExcept — All clients connected to the hub, but excludes the specified connections passed as a read-only list of strings. 
  • Client — A specific client connection. 
  • Clients — The specified read-only list of client connections. 
  • Group — All connections in the specified group. 
  • GroupExcept — All connections in the specified group, but excludes the specified connections passed as a read-only list of strings. 
  • Groups — All connections in the specified read-only list of groups.
  • OthersInGroup — Gets a caller to all connections in the specified group, except the one which triggered the current invocation.  
  • User — All connections associated with the specified user. 
  • Users — All connections associated with the users specified in the read-only list of strings.

The WhatsupChatHub class inherits from the SignalR Hub class. This Hub base class is responsible for managing connections, groups, and messaging. The following properties: 
  • Clients — Gets/sets an object on the clients that are connected to this hub.
  • Context — Get/set the hub caller context.
  • Groups — Get/set the group manager. 
The Hub class also has the following properties: 
  • OnConnectedAsync — Called when a new connection is established with the hub and returns a task representing the asynchronous connect. 
  • OnDisconnectedAsync — Called when the connection to the hub is terminated and returns a task representing the asynchronous disconnect. 
  • Dispose — Dispose of all the resources currently in use by this hub instance.

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